Level Up Your Brand with this Comprehensive Workbook

By Michelle Mendoza Canbuldu

Your brand can make or break your business. It can draw in or repel the very audience you're trying to attract. Hiring a Brand Strategist can be costly and ineffective especially if you can't describe your brand nor have any idea what the elements of a good brand are. This planner will help you craft an amazing brand story and message by the time you complete the steps in this comprehensive downloadable workbook.



What this planner has to offer

This downloadable brand planner contains everything you could want to know about creating a powerful brand brought to you by a former brand manager for high-end luxury brands.


This planner was thoughtfully and artfully created with everything you need to take your brand to the next level and create a consistent brand message.


Your vision and mission statement are two different things within your brand. It's important to think about both. The planner will help you create both with questions to help you and where you see your brand in the coming years.


To create a powerful brand story you need to consider the character, values and tone of your brand. Choose the words that best describe your brand based on the three categories above to help you understand your brand voice and create a compelling story.


The color palette will break down the colors of your brand and what those colors represent to both you and your audience. Use the color palette for your brand board and mood board to create a color scheme that speaks volumes that words never can.


Your brand checklist will help you keep track of every aspect of your brand, so you don't have an inconsistent brand message.


Create a powerful brand story by developing the story your brand will tell in a way that will resonate with your audience. The planner offers various brand story types that will tie your entire story together.

Ready to create an amazing brand?

Yes, I Want The Planner

“This planner is beautiful and functional. It has helped me fill in the blanks of my brand which was inconsistent with mixed messaging. This planner has replaced the Brand Strategist I hired and I'm able to stay on track with achieving my brand goals.”


The Only Brand Planner You'll Need

The Passive Wealth Builders Brand Planner is the only planner you will need to take your brand to the next level. Because branding is an intangible it can be hard to grasp the concepts of your brand and what it should include. Do you know your brand story? Brand facets? Brand Purpose? This planner will guide you to creating a brand your audience will love.

Based on High End Luxury Brands

The pages within this planner were created based on years of experience working with high-end luxury brands making sure the brand standards were met with those clients who sold these brands at the retail level. This planner will work for all business types; service based businesses, online course creators, drop-shippers, book authors and more.

A Word From The Creator

“As a former Brand Manager for high end luxury brands such as Versace and Tory Burch, I wanted to create a brand planner that could help you elevate your brand based on the brand elements I used for my high-end clients and currently what I'm using as the Creator & Founder of Passive Wealth Builders and as a Passive Wealth Coach for my online courses; Legacy List Builders and Passion to Profits.”


Why wait? Get your planner now!

Why put off taking your brand to the next level? You can buy the downloadable Brand Planner right now for less than your daily coffee. The planner comes with a 100% guarantee of your satisfaction and will be available after purchase via email.

$72.00 $47.00

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